Our Products

Garnet is the only eco-friendly abrasive mineral in the world" with its advantages far outreaching its alternatives. Its unique grain hardness and toughness guarantee productivity & Effeciency.
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Sillimanite is an aluminosilicate mineral with the chemical formula Al₂SiO₅. Sillimanite is named after the American chemist Benjamin Silliman. It was first described in 1824 for an occurrence in Chester.
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lmenite-a mixture of iron and titanium oxides, is used as a furnace lining in the steel industry and also as a blasting medium. After eliminating the iron particles, Ilmenite can be further processed to produce Synthetic Rutile, which can be further developed to make Titanium Dioxide.
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Zircon-This glassy mineral has found its place in many an industrial application worldwide. Starting from ceramics and refractory tiles to a range of high-tech applications. Zircon compounds have a very low toxicity and are not perceived as a potential environmental hazard. They are even said to have some medicinal properties
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lmenite-a mixture of iron and titanium oxides, is used as a furnace lining in the steel industry and also as a blasting medium. After eliminating the iron particles, Ilmenite can be further processed to produce Synthetic Rutile, which can be further developed to make Titanium Dioxide.
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In ceramic industries potassium feldspar is used as vitrifying (fluxing) agent for making the ceramic body looks glassy appearance (glazing effect). Excess flux makes the body glassier and turns brittle. The glass and ceramic industries are the major consumers of potassium feldspar on an average of 90-95% of the total consumption. Pink Potassium feldspar is used in Ceramic application like floor & wall tiles, sanitary wears & Insulators manufacturing industries.
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We have been an established and popular company with excellent track record of exporting best quality Quartz raw material to countries like China, Japan, Korea, Middle East., etc...
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